Pimoroni でRaspberry Pi 用のカメラに使うレンズだと思って購入したのですが、本来はスマホ用?の望遠レンズのようで、結局使わずじまいでした。
pimoroni の説明はこんな感じでした。
Get in close with this telephoto lens, an excellent accessory for the Raspberry Pi Camera module.
With a whopping 12x magnification and a sturdy clip to hold your camera board securely this lovely lens means that you no longer need to be right on top of your subject to get great photos.
With a comfortable grip and a focus ring it's also great to set up and adjust on the fly.
Need more options? We also have a 3-in-1 lens set which contains wide-angle, fish-eye and macro lenses so you'll have every option available to you!